I first started coding sometime in 2020 after attending an "introduction to coding" seminar in my 2nd year of University and... well i dropped it after some time, i was like "what is all this gibberish???" i felt coding is another form of a language and i love learning languages, for my mind, i was thinking it should be a walk in the park, lol.. the technicalities deflated my thoughts, i also was in the arts department then..so i gave it up. Fastrack to 2022 when i was introduced to the coding bootcamp, i was skeptical at first, it wasn't convienient and stuff but at the long run i started getting hooked, to a point where if i dont code in a day i get the feeling of winter is coming. 😂 so YES! i developed the interest and it's been fun and challenging.The beginning of my career in web development.
About me
I'm constantly trying to learn new technologies and concept, improving my skills. I also dabble a bit in hardware engineering, designing, administration and loads of other cool stuff.
I aim to be dedicated to diversity and inclusion in the tech space, write codes and build fun designs.
When i'm not coding i'm definitely reading or organizing, planning and Having fun.
Thanks for reading. 😃